

Last sunday 20/07/2008 went to church with roxx~
it is talking about what i already forget, cause i am half sleeping half awake.
but certain main points i am very agree with it.
the priest says:
everyone should marry early.
must have children after married for 3 years. before that, mus spend some times to understand each other.
in this 3 years, plan properly for ur children's future.
education for child is much more important than house & car or everything. cause even though u have many houses and car, but didn't care for the children education, after the child grow up, the child will take away the houses or car and sell it.
women should not work temporary after giving birth for her own child. i am very agree for this point, cause my mum send me to my aunt when i am still a baby. i just remember my aunt always hit me by big big rotan, and i keep on crying then she keep on hit me until i stop crying.
it's doesn't mean mum don't love me, but i really cant forget she send me to the evil aunt forever...
my name Carmel, is giving by that aunt's neighbor!!! she was an Indian woman, already pass away for few years.
I think every family at least must have more than 2 children, cause i am the only child in my family,.

if there is only 1 child in a family
feel very boring cause no one will fight with me for toys, shirt,
when i want to do something bad, no 1 will company me
no one will let me bully,
when i get bully, no one will help me,
very lonely in childhood,
no secret for me to threaten
 brothers or sisters
when i stole money, i always be the suspected person, and no 1 else.
If i have brothers or sisters, it would not happened. hehe^^
jealous for those people who have brothers sisters
only neighbor's children and classmates in my childhood
And I can just only imagine if there is a brother or sister for me....

the conclusion is:
women should no let the children for the KAKAK and learn the weird languages, for grandparent, aunty uncle or bla bla bla people...
as a parent, should be responsible for them, working should not be the excuses.
if u think we should earn more money so that the children hav a better life, I would rather than to spend more time with my child so that they wont grow up alone.

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